DSC Preparation Hints or Preparation Hints for DSC Exam
- Read daily news paper so that you can improve both your vocabulary for the English section, and also helps you to learn the current affairs which is also a part of the examination.
- Get aware of the pattern and syllabus of the examination which is officially given by the government of Andhra Pradesh. Mark the sections or topics you are weak so that you can focus to learn them more and perform better.
- Try attempting as many mock tests as possible and check their results.
- Try to attempt subject-wise practice tests so that they can help you to remember the subject easily and you can improve your skills.Try to solve all the previous question papers of TET and DSC examinations. Later, verify the answers and check the status.
- While preparing for the exams give importance to the subject so that you can perform well in the examination.It is better to follow NCERT Books as most of the questions will be from 9th and 10th class books only.
- Revision for the Examination in the form of Group discussion can be really affect your performance in the exam. This will be more advantageous while learning methodology subjects.
- Never try to learn new topics once you are done with your preparation. It may effect your performance in the examination.
- Don’t try to read all the material available in the market but, try to read all the bits given at the end of the each lesson.
- Manage your time, make a plan and try to answer the questions within less time span.
- Boost up your self- confidence so that you can perform well in your DSC exam.
Instead of stressing out and jinxing yourself for the worst just focus on studying hard and follow the above tips so that you can stand out in the examination.